Banshee - companion app to the Banshee Box by Rahkee of Paranormal West/Chillseekers
How to make a Banshee Box -
B button - Bank audio (2 x single file audio clips)
IP button - sweeps live IP stations
Banshee app sweeps 5 random live IP stations with the option to randomly sweep between 2 single file phonetic banks at the same time.
Sweep rate 200ms to 1000ms.
2 x bank sliders if you wish you run overlaying bank audio.
Devices running kitkat & above may suffer IP connection issues.
For faster IP buffering clear background applications & notifications before running IP sweep.
If you wish to run IP & banks simultaneously I suggest waiting for IP buffering message to disappear before starting banks.
Record your session on external device & review for intelligent replies to questions asked.
Useful link:
PSI Website
Paranormal West YouTube:
App developed on from base code supplied from Unity Project by Appydroid.